Download General Tool For Canon Printer

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 Resetter Canon iP1000, Canon iP1200, Canon iP1300, Canon iP1500, Canon iP1600, Canon 1700,Canon iP2200, Canon iP3000, Canon iP4200, Canon iP5200. this reset methods has been tested.
Canon PIXMA iP1000, iP1500 Waste Ink Counter Reset
Step 1: Manual for Service mode
  1. Unplug power and USB.
  2. Open door and hold power button.
  3. Connect power.
  4. Close door, then release power button.
step 2 : Using Software Resetter for Permanant
  1. Reconnect the printer cable.
  2. Download
    General Tools software Resetter for canon Pixma iP 1500
    General Tools software Resetter for Canon PIXMA iP1000 Printers
  3. Run the Software Resetter and select (USB PORT)
  4. Choose SET DESTINATION 1 And it should be reset.
Remark “After service mode Pls use software for permanent reset”
Canon Pixma iP1200, iP1600, iP2200 Resetter
  1. Download software for Canon iP1200, iP1600, 2200 Printers.DOWNLOAD Service Tool Software for Canon Pixma Printer iP1200, iP1600, iP2200
  2. Unzip downloaded file by WinZip, 7Zip, Izarc, etc
  3. Run GeneralTool.exe
  4. Select the connected USB port number from USB PORT
  5. Click LOCK RELEASE, and select the applicable model name in SET DESTINATION
  6. In CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER, select MAIN or PLATEN. The selected waste ink counter will be reset. MAIN resets the main waste ink counter, PLATEN resets the platen waste ink counter.
If both the main and platen waste ink absorbers are replaced, reset both the main and platen waste ink counters.
Resetter canon iP 1700 and iP1300
Step 1 : Reset Hardware
  1. Turn off Canon Pixma iP1700, iP1300 Printers
  2. Hold down Resume button and press Power button.
  3. Keep holding down Power button and let Resume button go.
  4. Press Resume button 2 times then let BOTH buttons go.
  5. Green lights will flash and then stop blinking.
  6. When green lights are solid, press the Resume button 4 times.
  7. Press the Power button and the Canon Pixma iP1700, iP1300 Printers should turn off, if not, press the Power button once more.
  8. Your Canon Pixma iP1700, iP1300 Printers should respond as normal
Step 2 : Using software resetter
  1. Download Software Resetter for Canon Printers iP1300 dan iP1700 Software Resetter for Canon Pixma iP1300, iP1700
  2. Ekstrak/Unrar/Unzip the Software
  3. run GeneralTool.exe
  4. Select  USB Port where the canon ip1300 or canon ip1700 installed.
  5. CLick Lock Release button
  6. Select EEPROM CLEAR
  7. Click Test Pattern 1 button
  8. Your Canon Pixma iP1700, iP1300 Printers should respond as normal.
Resetting Ink-Waste Overflow Counter Canon Pixma iP3000, iP4000, iP5000 Printers
  1. With the printer plugged in and powered off, press and hold the Resume/Cancel button, then press and hold the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons. The LED light should be green to indicate that a function is selectable.).
  2. While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (DO NOT release the Power button.).
  3. While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times, and then release both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in orange and green, starting with orange.).
  4. When the LED light is green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in orange and green, starting with orange.).
  5. Press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the reset is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.).
  6. Press the power button to exit service mode.
Note: if you accidentally press the Resume/Cancel button more than 4 times in step 4 then just press the Resume/Cancel button at least 10 times and the printer will be returned to step 4 automatically
Canon Pixma iP4200, iP5200, iP6000, iP8500 Reset Procedure
  1. Turn off the Printers.
  2. Hold Resume button click POWER.
  3. Hold button RESUME, release POWER
  4. Then press the button again twice RESUME.
  5. Release all the buttons.
  6. Indicator led in green and stay green.
  7. Click the button 4 times RESUME, if you want to make another transaction. :Look at the listed below:
    1 led- Orange – Service test print 1 times – Orange – Service test print
    2 led – Green – EEPROM information print 2 times – Green – EEPROM information print
    3 led – Orange – EEPROM initialization 3 times – Orange – EEPROM initialization
    4 led – Green – Waste ink counter setting 4 time – Green – Waste ink counter setting
    5 led – Orange – Destination setting (Press Power > Press Resume 3x) 5 times – Orange – Destination setting (Press Power> Press Resume 3x)
    6 led – Green – Print head deep cleaning 6 times – Green – Print head deep cleaning
    11-13 led – Orange, Green, Orange – Return to menu selection
    14 led – Green – Left margin correction 14 times – Green – Left margin correction
  8. Turn off the printer POWER button.

Service/Riset Printer Canon ip2770

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Service / Reset Printer Canon iP2770

Published by Alexander Negara under on Sabtu, September 03, 2011

Printer Canon iP2770 adalah printer yg sangat terjangkau harganya dgn hasil cetak yg memuaskan, sehingga dalam penjualan cukup laris manis di pasaran. Oleh sebab itu cukup beralasan kalau SK mengulas tentang cara mereset printer ini. Gejalanya gangguan atau errornyapun cukup beragam seperti blinking hijau dan orange, error 5200 dan lain-lain.

  1. Printer dalam keadaan MATI dan kabel listrik terCOLOK.
  2. Tekan tombol RESUME (ditahan / jangan dilepas) kemudian tekan tombol POWER, kemudian lepas tombol RESUME, tapi tombol POWER jangan lepas.
  3. Sambil tombol POWER masih tertekan, tekan 5 X tombol RESUME . Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (Ingat 5 X karena kalau cuma 4x  printer biasanya akan mati total untuk sementara, nunggu beberapa jam dia mau hidup lagi)
  4. Lepaskan kedua tombol bersamaan.
  5. Led akan blink sebentar kemudian akan nyala HIJAU.
  6. Dan Komputer akan mendeteksi hardware baru, abaikan saja...
  7. Matikan Printer dan Coba hidupkan lagi. Semoga Printer iP2770 berfungsi lagi.

Jika Tidak berhasil,  bisa dengan Cara ini:

  1. Hidupkan printer
  2. Langsung cabut kabel listriknya tanpa menekan tombol on-off
  3. Buka dan geser catridgenya secara manual ke tengah (agar bisa ditarik ke tengah, tekan kait penghalang plastik warna putih di belakang head)
  4. Keluarkan semua cartridge dengan tutupnya tetap terbuka
  5. Kemudian hidupkan printer dan biarkan head yg terbuka tadi menabrak ke kiri dan ke kanan sampai headnya kembali ke posisi tengah.
  6. Pasang cartridge dan tutup kembali dengan benar
  7. Printer kembali normal.

Dibawah ini adalah Tool untuk me-reset Printer iP2770 dan Printer Canon lainnya

Download RESETTER CANON IP 2770 V1074  (Baru!!)
Download General Tool Reset Printer Canon (Handal !!)

Cara menjalankan Resetter iP2770 V1074 adalah
1. Letakkan 2 lembar kertas ke printer
2. Buka Softwarenya, kemudian jalankan sesuai urutan seperti gambar di bawah:

Keterangan : 
Langkah 1 dan 3 akan akan terjadi Proses yg di akhiri dengan mem-print 1 halaman.
Setelah selesai Matikan Printer dan coba hidupkan kembali utk mempergunakan.

Cara menjalankan General Service Tool

  1. Exctrak file yang Anda download
  2. Resolusi Windows minimal 1024×768
  3. Jalankan file “GeneralTool.exe”
  4. Pilih USB Port
  5. Centang Cleaning dan Eeprom Clear
  6. Klik Main
  7. Klik Platen
  8. Selesai Quit
  9. Matikan printer dengan menekan Power.
Selesai , kemudian Anda tinggal mencobanya dengan mencabut kabel power printer dan memasangnya kembali, kemudian nyalakan printer anda……

Cara Service Canon iP2770 dan MP258 Error B200

Mungkin Anda pernah melihat Service error B200 seperti gambar di atas. 


Error B200 ini adalah karena tidak stabilnya atau menurunnya supply tegangan yang ke board printer tersebut, jadi ada kerusakan pada Unit Power Supply printer, jadi solusi sementara untuk mengatasi Error B200 ini yaitu hanya dengan mengganti (replace) Power Supply Unit (PSU) printer yang tengah mengalami Error B200, kalau kita coba perbaiki PSU nya kemungkinan banyak kendala dalam mencari spare partnya dan kemungkinan tidak bertahan lama.
Demikian ulasan mengenai Error B200 pada printer Canon Ip2770 dan MP258, semoga bisa menjadi solusi dan jawaban untuk pertanyaan dari sobat semua, semoga bermanfaat...

Berikut gambar Ilustrasi Power Supply Unit (PSU) pada Printer

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